Profile of Alain Attia Executive President for Elite Model Look President for Elite Licensing Company Alain Attia is an experienced businessman with substantial experience in mass-market management. After obtaining a master’s degree in Business Management, he started his working career first as Hyper Market Manager and then as Manager of an important mass-marketing supply company. He joined the Elite Group in 1999. Since then, he has developed a successful range of many different fashionable and affordable Elite products and was appointed Executive President of Elite Licensing Company and Elite Model Look in 2002. He has recently joined Alain Kittler and Gerald Marie on the Board of Directors for the entire Group Elite. Alain Attia Elite世界精英模特大赛执行总裁 Elite精英授权公司总裁 Alain Attia是一位在市场领域有着非常丰富、充实经验的实业家。 在获得企业管理的硕士学位后,他开始了自己的职业生涯,先后担任Haper市场经理、和一家全球著名供应商的市场部经理。 1999年他加入了Elite组织。 从此,他涉足Elite旗下众多时尚产品,并使其得到很好的衍生和发展。2002年Alain Attia被任命为Elite世界精英授权公司和Elite精英模特大赛的执行总裁。 最近他已经加入由Alain Kittler和Gerald Marie共同创办的Elite集团并成为其董事之一。