搜狐娱乐讯:世界小姐玛丽亚正在为登山集训,在繁忙的日程中,她将自己的心情感想记下来,一点一滴,将成为日后弥足珍贵的回忆: (2005/06/22) 本周,玛丽亚开始在医生的指导下展开训练,准备以最佳状态迎接7月底的攀登启孜峰的活动。 玛丽亚进行了一系列的身体训练来保证自己能够应对这次攀登的挑战。由于这次要攀登的山峰位于著名的世界屋脊,山顶空气稀薄,玛丽亚特别针对此情况进行了高压舱训练。在舱室里,她可以体验与启孜峰顶相似的环境以使身体尽快适应。 原文: Mountain Climb Training Diary 16/6/05 10:48 AM This week Maju has been training with medical people in order to prepare herself the the Qi-zi mountain climb at the end of July. She took a series of tests to ensure that she was able to take on this challenge. Also Maju spent some time in a air compression chamber. As the group climbs the mountain the air will thin. By going in the chamber she is preparing her body for the conditions which she will face nearer the top of the mountain. 搜狗(www.sogou.com)搜索:“搜狗登山队”,共找到