“相约北京”联欢活动是由中华人民共和国文化部、北京市人民政府、国家广播电影电视总局主办,由中国对外文化集团公司、北京市文化局承办的,以弘扬中华民族文化,引进外国艺术精华,促进国际文化交流为宗旨的,一项集广泛性和多样性为一体的国家级大型综合国际艺术节。2000 年至今,已经成功举办了四届,产生了良好的社会影响。
第五届“相约北京”联欢活动将于2005 年4 月28 日至5 月31 日在北京举办,今年的主题是“文化多样性:传承与创新”。本届“相约北京”联欢活动将由剧场演出、广场联欢、艺术展览等固定几部分组成,以“法国印象”、“丹麦之声”、“欧盟之春”等主题版块为亮点项目。来自世界30 多个国家的50 余个优秀团体,将展现不同文化之间的碰撞、交流与融合,重点项目都和今年世界重大纪念活动和中国重要对中外文化交流活动有关。与往年相比,更加突出文化的多样性,艺术的多样性和地域的多样性。本届“相约北京”联欢活动将以鲜明的主题、突出的特点和丰富多彩的活动吸引更多的团体和观众参与。
Brief Introduction
MEET IN BEIJING Arts Festival is a large-scale international festival hosted by the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, the People's Government of Beijing Municipality and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. Inaugurated in 2000, four successful sessions of this cultural event have attracted over 200 artistic groups and arts exhibitions from across the globe.
With the principle of spreading Chinese traditional culture, introducing the essence of overseas arts as well as promoting cultural exchanges between China and the other parts of the world, MEET IN BEIJING Arts Festival has established itself as China’s national-level artistic activity and topped its Asian competitors. In addition, the festival attracted much attention from the central government and all major media. China Central Television and Beijing Television have broadcast the performances staged by MEET IN BEIJING several times, which absorbed millions of audience. Now the festival has turned into Beijing’s famous cultural brand.
The 5th MEET IN BEIJING Arts Festival will raise the curtain on April 28, 2005 and draw the curtain on May 31, 2005. This year’s event will feature “Variety of the Cultures: Tradition and Innovation” and be composed of the conventional parts, such as theater performances, square
activities and art exhibitions. Highlighted projects include French Impression, Voice of Denmark and Spring of the European Union. More than 50 troupes from over 30 countries will present wonderful performances, showing the variety of cultures, arts and regions. It is believed that 5th MEET IN BEIJING Arts Festival will attract more enthusiastic participants.