慈善拍卖物品CHARITY AUCTION ITEMS 1. 格温妮斯.帕特洛签名牛仔裤 Jeans donated and autographed by Gwyneth Paltrow. 市值:人民币4500元 Retail Value: RMB4,500.00 格温妮斯.帕特洛斯捐献出自己的牛仔裤并附有亲笔签名,镶在精美的镶框中。 捐赠者Donated by: 格温妮斯.帕特洛Gwyneth Paltrow. 2. 休.格兰特亲笔签名照片 Hugh Grant’s picture with his signature. 市值:人民币2,000.00 Retail Value: RMB2, 000.00 休.格兰特在自己充满魅力的近照上亲笔用中文签上自己的名字和“我爱你”三个字。 Sexy picture of Hugh Grant autographed by Hugh himself saying “I love you” in Chinese. 捐赠者Donated by: 休.格兰特Hugh Grant. 3. 苏新平现代绘画“全家福” Contemporary Painting “Family Album” by the artist Su Xinping 市值:人民币10,000 Retail value: RMB10,000.00 该幅作品的创作与1998年,作者苏新平是当代著名画家,其作品在全球各大画廊广泛展出并被收藏。 1998, Lithograph A/P (Ed.20) 75X62 cm, 捐赠者Donated by: 苏新平和红门画廊 Su Xin Ping and Red Gate Gallery. 4. 国际时装展席位 Seats at International Fashion Show 市值:人民币50,000元 Retail Value: RMB50,000 在任何巴黎或伦敦国际时装展上的两个前排座位 Quintessentially offers you two front seats at any fashion show held in London or Paris. 捐赠者Donated by: 精英会有限公司Quintessentially Worldwide. 5. 全球电影节首映式邀请 Two tickets to experience any movie premier in the world. 市值:人民币25,000元 Value: RMB25,000 精英会为你拿到邀请免费参加全球任何电影节首映式 Quintessentially offers you two tickets to experience any movie premier in the world. 捐赠者Donated by: 精英会有限公司Quintessentially Worldwide. 6. 登喜路Sidecar系列书写工具 Dunhill Sidecar Writing Instrument 市值:人民币6,148.00元 Retail Value: RMB 6,148.00 Sidecar系列”Limousette”钢笔。笔帽的设计精致华美,充满艺术气息。选用纯银作为基本材质,外部经优质黑漆处理,还缀有著名的Steib边车标志,早在上世纪30年代Steib就以它经典的“艺术装饰派”风格闻名于世。这款稀有如同艺术收藏品一般的书写笔,特为纪念阿尔弗雷德先生于1893年创立登喜路公司,全球限量发售1893支 The Sidecar “Limousette” fountain pen is cradled in a distinctive cap crafted from solid sterling silver and completed with black lacquer to recreate the definitive ‘art deco’ style of the iconic 1930s Steib sidecar. This timeless fountain pen is limited to only 1893 pieces, to celebrate the year Alfred Dunhill founded his eponymous business 7. Pringle 的高档真丝礼服 Silk Dress from Pringle 市值:人民币15, 000.00元 Retail Value: RMB 15, 000.00 100% silk, soft pink color with metallic grey and turquoise beads. Made in the U.K. 捐赠者Donated by: Pringle of Scotland 8. 巴林桃花冻《硕果累累》Shuo Guo Lei Lei (Numerous Fruits) made of Balin Peach Steatite 市值:人民币50,000.00 Retail Value: RMB 50,000.00 巴林桃花冻《硕果累累》,工艺大师留秀山先生作。此石为桃花冻极品,经留大师精雕细镂,为一件艺术珍品。 Shuo guo Lei Lei was carved out of a Balin Peach steatite by Liu Xiushan, a Master of craftsmanship. 捐赠者Donated by: 中国儿童少年基金会 China Children and Teenagers Fund 9. 航空贵宾服务会员卡 Superior Travellers membership 市值:人民币21,000.00 Retail Value: RMB 21,000.00 会员可在大陆的5大城市6个机场享受贵宾服务,服务范围在不断增加。服务包括单独通道,专车接送,贵宾室和更多的其他服务。 The member can experience the same VIP service in 5 key cities / 6 airports in mainland China, with the list of airports (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Dalin) offering VIP services growing. Services offered include divided customs and immigration lanes, private car pickup on the tarmac, VIP lounges, and much more. 捐赠者Donated by: 航空贵宾服务营销有限公司 Superior Travellers Services Limited 10. [4闪1] 钻石耳坠 “4 in 1” Diamond Earrings 市值:人民币28,000.00 Retail Value: RMB 28,000.00 全新的[4闪1]钻石耳坠,所有钻石均由人手于以色列精心挑选,不论色泽、形状、大小都必须和景福严格的要求;再配以工匠巧夺天工的技术,将四顆外形色泽几乎一模一样的公主方形钻石拼合为一,成为一顆闪耀的圆形形钻石首饰 A pair of diamond earrings - “4 in1”,118K platinum diamond with special cut and setting, and Israel finish. 捐赠者Donated by: 航空贵宾服务营销有限公司Superior Travellers Services Limited 11. 北京嘉里中心饭店总统套房 The Shangri-La’s Kerry Centre Hotel, Beijing Presidential Suit 市值:人民币16,600.00 Retail Value: RMB 16,600.00 梦幻周末两夜入住香格里拉酒店集团的北京嘉里中心饭店总统套房,并包括早餐的房间服务。 A two-night weekend stays including daily room service breakfast in Presidential Suites of Shangri-La’s Kerry Centre Hotel, Beijing. 捐赠者Donated by: 香格里拉酒店集团的的北京嘉里中心饭店 Shangri-La’s Kerry Centre Hotel, Beijing 12. 香港半岛酒店套房 3-niight deluxe stay at Hong Kong Peninsula Hotel 市值:人民币4,000.00 Retail Value: RMB 4,000.00 捐赠者Donated by: The Leading Hotels of the World, Ltd