“亚洲新人奖”国际评选委员会 黄蜀芹(中国) 1964年北京电影学院导演系毕业后,进入上海电影制片厂工作。导演了近十部影片。其中《青春万岁》、《童年的朋友》、《人·鬼·情》等影片在观众中有广泛的影响。《青春万岁》获得了前苏联电影节纪念奖。代表作《人·鬼·情》在国内外多次参加电影节并获奖:曾荣获第五届巴西里约国际电影节大奖“金巨嘴鸟奖”、第十一届法国克莱戴尔国际妇女电影节大奖、第七届美国圣·巴巴拉国际电影节最佳导演奖等,并被评为20世纪50部中国优秀电影精品之一。电影《我也有爸爸》则荣获柏林国际电影节特别奖。 曾担任第十一届大马士哥国际电影节评委会主席(1999年);第十二届印度海德拉巴国际儿童电影节评委(2001年);第六届上海国际电影节评委(2002年)。 2002年中国电影出版社出版了“中国导演系列丛书”专集:《东边光影独好·黄蜀芹研究文集》,集结了黄蜀芹本人以及中国一些资深电影理论家对她个人及其影片的评论与研究,认为她对女性电影有独到的体验与见解,并流畅而独具风格地表达在她的电影中。 Huang Shu Qin(CHINA) Chinese famous film director. Born in 1940 in Shanghai, Huang Shuqin graduated from Beijing Film Academy in 1964 and began to work in Shanghai Film Studio. She directed over 10 films in the past years, and made some influenced films. Her film "Great Youth" has won the awards of former Soviet Union International Film Festival. Her other major works include: "The friends of My Childhood" (1985, Best Film of Culture Administration and TongNiu Award), "Man and Ghost" (1988 Best Screenplay for China Golden Rooster Award), and "I Also Have a Father" (1997 Special Award for Berlin International Film Festival). She was Jury President for the 11th Damascus Film Festival, and also was the jury for the 6th Shanghai International Film Festival. She has the special experience and expression to the Women’s Film. 大卫·鲍德威尔(美国) 当今最有影响的电影学者和理论家之一,他在电影领域教授和著书长达30多年。内容涉及电影历史、理论和个案分析等。包括《经典好莱坞:1960年前的电影风格和制作模式》(1985),《电影故事叙述》(1985),《 电影语言的理解》(1989),《电影风格的历史》(1997),《香港:流行电影和娱乐艺术》(2000)以及《荧光灯中的人物:电影舞台》(2003)。大卫·鲍德威尔还撰写了长度可以成书的关于导演卡尔·德莱叶(1981)、小津安二郎 (1988)和爱森斯坦 (1994)的研究。此外,他还与克里斯汀·汤普森合写了两本大学教科书:《电影艺术:入门》(2003第七版)和《电影历史:入门》(2002第二版)。 David Bordwell(USA) Considered one of the most influential film scholars and theorists of our time, David Bordwell has taught and written about cinema for over thirty years. After completing his PhD coursework at the University of Iowa, he joined the Communication Arts Department at the University of Wisconsin--Madison in 1973, where he continues as professor of Film Studies. He has written several books on the history, theory, and analysis of film, including The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style and Mode of Production to 1960 (1985; with Janet Staiger and Kristin Thompson), Narration in the Fiction Film (1985), Making Meaning: Inference and Rhetoric in the Interpretation of Cinema (1989), On the History of Film Style (1997), Planet Hong Kong: Popular Cinema and the Art of Entertainment (2000), and the forthcoming Figures Traced in Light: On Cinematic Staging (2003). He has also written book-length studies of directors Carl Dreyer (1981), Ozu Yasujiro (1988), and Sergei Eisenstein (1994). With Kristin Thompson he has written two college textbooks: Film Art: An Introduction (seventh edition, 2003) and Film History: An Introduction (second edition, 2002). 佐藤忠男(日本) 日本电影评论家、电影史学家,曾任日本电影评论学会会长。自1950年起,在《电影评论》《电影旬报》等杂志发表电影评论。1956年其评论文集《日本的电影》出版,获1957年获电影旬报奖。此后,他以电影为中心,在戏剧、文学、大众文化、教育等广泛的领域,发表了一百部以上的著作。其中《日本电影史》(共四卷)获得了1995年的“每日出版文化奖”、1996年获得了由教科文内阁颁发的“艺术鼓励奖”并获“紫色勋章”。2002年,获得韩国文化勋章、法国文化勋章等。现为日本电影学校校长。 主要著作有: 《作为权利的教育》(1968)、《日本电影思想史》(1970)、《今村昌平的世界》(1980)、《沟口健二的世界》(1982)、《上海电影港口》(1985)、《电影与炮声》(1985)、《黑泽明的世界》(1986)、《大岛渚的世界》(1986)、《长谷川仲论》(1988)、《亚洲电影》(1993)、《日本电影史·全四卷》(1995)、《日本电影的巨匠们》(1995)、《小津安二郎的艺术》(1997)、《韩国电影的精神》(2000)、《电影的真实》(2001)等书。 Tadao Sato(JAPAN) Japanese famous film critics, film historian, former-chairman of Japanese Academy of Film Critic. Tadao Sato started to publish film critical articles in Japanese influenced magazines since 1950. In 1956 his critical articles on films were published in the book of “Films of Japanese ” and won the award. From then on, he published more than one hundred books which concentrated mainly on films while other topics including performance, literature, public culture and education are also included. One of his masterpieces“History of Japanese Films (4 volumes)” was given the Mainichi Publication Culture Award in 1995. For this accomplishment he was also given a Purple Medal and the Art Encourage Prize of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture in 1996. He also focused on the research of Yasujiro Ozu, Akira Kurosawa, Nagisa Oshima etc. He is currently a President of Japan Academy of Moving Images. His main works include “The World of Imamura,Shohei”(1980), “The World of Akira Kurosawa”(1986), “The World of Nagisa Oshima”(1986), “The Art of Yasujiro Ozu”(1997), “Asian Movies”(1993), “History of Japanese Films (four volumes)”(1995)etc.