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第3页 :从传统音乐到现代音乐 从声学分析到音乐创作

  温德青 教授

  Prof.WEN Deqing

  以民间音乐家孙文明(1928-1962) 的二胡独奏《二琴光亮》(1957) 到我的《琴 声光亮》二胡与室内乐队(2009/10)为例, 借助频谱分析软件 Spear 与频谱音乐作 曲 辅 助 软 件 OpenMusic, 把 对 孙 文 明 作 品的音响分析与转化为拙作的创作过程给 大家作一个简要解析,以总结一些从声学 分析到音乐创作过程的个人经验。

  孙文明是一位中国民间伟大的盲人二 胡演奏家和先锋作曲家。他在二胡演奏和 音色上的勇敢创新只能令今人望其项背。 而他在泛音列基础上进行的创作比法国的 频谱音乐整整早了 17 年!


  《二琴光亮》。音高材料源自本曲的二胡定弦 G 与 D 音以及它们泛音列之间的间 插与变形。

  Taking The Double Erhu Sounding(1957) by Sun Wenming and my own music The Sound Shining(2009/2010) as an example, I use the spectral analysis software SPEAR and OpenMusic to probe into the sound in this work of Sun and reveal how it is converted into the sound in my own work in order to share some of my personal experience in both acoustic analysis and composition.

  Sun Wenming (1928-1962) was a Chinese blind but great Chinese Violin (erhu) player and Avant-garde composer. His playing techniques and cutting edge ideas in timber can hardly be matched even in modern times and his erhu Solo The Double Erhu Sounding based on harmonic series was fully 17 years earlier than the Spectrum Music in France.

  I adopted Sun’s piece as the second theme in my piece while the pitch materials derive from the erhu tuning tones in my own piece, in G and D, as well as their harmonic series, interpolation and distortions.

yule.sohu.com true 搜狐娱乐 https://yule.sohu.com/20160707/n458277658.shtml report 9725 当代歌剧《代码树》(2015)中的转换与光彩林瑞玲教授Prof.LizaLIM本文介绍林丽莎的第四部歌剧《代码树》,该歌剧最近于2016年4月在德国由科隆歌剧院
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