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第2页 :韩宜芳


  HAN Yifang

  青年作曲家,3 岁起随贵州知名钢琴教育家,贵州师范大学音乐学院院长 陈雪筠教授学习钢琴,2003 年考入中央音乐学院作曲系,师从范乃信教授, 贾国平教授,2008 年攻读硕士研究生,因成绩优异提前一年毕业,现任 教于贵州大学。她的作品风格多样,曾荣获文化部第十四届“文华奖”音 乐作品创作优秀奖;首届金杯手风琴作品大赛重奏组二、三等奖,并由安 徽文艺出版社出版;贵州省首届专业文艺奖器乐作品三等奖(唯一入选, 一二等奖空缺)。现担任贵州大学本科曲式作品分析,配器,旋律与歌曲 写作基础课程的教授,担任硕士研究生音乐美学,非物质文化遗产保护概 论,计算机编曲与制作,计算机编曲和声应用课程的教学工作,参与国家 级科研课题一项,主持校级课题一项,2014 年成功举办师生原创音乐会。


  2003-2008 中央音乐学院作曲系作曲专业本科五年

  2008-2010 中央音乐学院作曲系作曲专业艺术硕士研究生(提前毕业)

  2010-2011 年 任职于中国国家大剧院

  2012- 至今 贵州大学讲师,担任作曲学科本科及非物质文化遗产保护及 相关专业研究生工作。

  二、科技成果获奖情况 1、代表作品《缠跃吟》曾荣获中国文化部第十四届“文华奖”合唱作品 选优秀奖。 2、《雨淋漫舞》和《空间三部曲》两首作品分获全国首届“金杯”手风 琴作品大赛二等奖和三等奖(并由安徽文艺出版社出版)。

  3、2013 年将西方流行音乐元素与贵州的苗族音乐相融合创作了作品《苗 岭西客》,并荣获贵州省专业文艺奖器乐作品三等奖(唯一入选作品, 一二等奖空缺)

  4、2015 年作品《故乡难忘》荣获亚洲国际艺术节艺术歌曲金奖。


  6、荣获中国音乐家协会主办的第五届“金芦笙”中国民族器乐大赛中优 秀指导教师奖。


  1、2013 年器乐作品《空间三部曲》和《雨林漫舞》被选入全国“金杯” 手风琴新作品创作比赛优秀作品集。由安徽文艺出版社 2013 年出版发行。 2、歌曲《贵州的雨》和《爽爽的贵阳》入选贵阳新世纪创作歌曲选《唱 美西部一幅画》由中国文联出版社出版发行

  3、2014 年在《音乐时空》杂志上发表论文《旋律写作民族风格初探》。

  A young composer. From childhood, she with the Guizhou famous piano educator, president of Guizhou Normal University Professor Chen Xuejun learning the piano, she admitted to the Composition Department of Central Conservatory of Music in 2003, and apprenticed under Professor Naixin Fan,Professor Jia Guoping. Study for a master's in 2008, graduated a year early because of excellent results, and teaching at the University of Guizhou currently. The diversity of her works, awarded the Ministry of Culture of the 14th "Wenhua Award" musical works Creation Excellence Award; the first golden cup accordion works competition performance group of the second and third prizes, and by published Anhui Literature and Art Publishing House; she won the first professional literary award of Guizhou province third prize of instrumental music (the only selected and first and second prize were vacancy). Now as a professor Guizhou University undergraduate course musical form works analysis, orchestration, melody and song writing basic course, engaged in teaching work of graduate student music aesthetics, an introduction to intangible cultural heritage protection, and production of computer arranger, arranger and sound application of computer programs, participate in a national research projects, presided over a university subject, held successfully the teachers and students original concert in 2014.

  One, Work and Educational Background

  2003-2008 studied the Composition Department of Central

  Conservatory of Music for 5 years, majoring in composition


  2008-2010 the Composition Department of Central Conservatory of Music of Music Composition master graduate student (Graduate early). 2010-2011 worked in China National Grand Theater

  2012-current a teacher of Guizhou University, fill a post undergraduate of composition discipline and Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage and related professions of the graduate work.

  Two, Science and Technology Awards:

  1、Her representative works—"Chan Yue Yin", was honored Excellence Award of the Ministry of Culture the 14th "Wenhua" choir works.

  2、"Rain Dances" and "Space Trilogy" won the first "golden cup" contest of works of accordion the second prize and the third prize respectively (published by Anhui Literature and Art Publishing House).

  3、Integration of Western pop music elements and Guizhou Miao nationality music created works “Miaoling Mountains Western Guest” and won the award of Guizhou professional the third prize of instrumental music works in 2013 (the only selected and first and second prize were vacancy).

  4、"Unforgettable Hometown" work won the Gold Award of the Asian International Art Song Festival in 2015.

  5、Participated in a national research projects, presided over a university subject.

  6、Awarded under the auspices of the Chinese musicians association of the fifth "the Golden Lusheng" prize of excellent teachers of Chinese national instrumental music contest.

  Three, Publication and distribution of works:

  1、In 2013, the instrumental works "Space Trilogy" and "Rain Dances" was elected to the National "Golden Cup" new works for accordion Competition outstanding works anthology. It was published by Anhui Literature and Art Publishing House in 2013.

  2、The song of "the Rain of Guizhou" and "Shuang Shuang Guiyang" were selected Guiyang new century song composition "Sing a Western Painting to Beauteous ", published by CFLACPC.

  3、In 2014, the "Music Space" magazine published a paper written by her— "Primary Investigation of Melodic Writing of National Style".


  Play• local opera


  Dizi, Sheng, Pipa, Percussion, Piano, Violin, Viola, Violoncell


  HAN Yifang


  2016 北京国际作曲大师班

  傩 (nuó) 又称跳傩、傩舞、傩戏,是 一种头戴面具的神秘而古老的原始祭礼。 戏傩,狰狞的面具与面具下的脸孔,形成 强烈的反差,用现代人的的视觉去看待严 肃狰狞的傩文化,让傩文化在今天褪去祭 礼感,傩面具下的现代人,将傩文化融入 到生活中,更具嬉戏感,成为一种文化象征。

  Nuo is also known as jump nuo, nuo dance and nuo opera, which is a kind of mysteries and primitive ritual with mask worn. Regarding nuo opera, the ferocious mask and the face under the mask form a strong contrast. The serious and ferocious nuo culture was seen in the vision of modern people. The modern people who are under the nuo mask integrate the nuo culture into the modern people’s life to make it more playful and become the symbol of the culture.

yule.sohu.com true 搜狐娱乐 https://yule.sohu.com/20160706/n458081501.shtml report 21767 唐雨辰唐雨辰唐雨辰TANGYuchen1994年出生于河南郑州,2006年考入中央音乐学院附中,跟随著名作曲家刘长远学习。2012年考入中央音乐学院作曲系,先后
(责任编辑:董文 UK026)



