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《开心辞典》之开心万里行 探访安塞腰鼓风采


  今天我们跋涉了三个小时从西安一路直向An Si,目的是会见一位姓曹的先生。



  An Sai

  Today we traveled 3 hours from Xi An, all the way to An Si to meet a man by the name of Mr. Cao.

  We drove up a mountain to film our scenes with Mr. Cao, who turns out to be a Chinese drumming master.

  Toma and I were expecting drums to be in the style of Djembe or Congas but were pleasantly surprised when we saw what we saw. An ancient style drum, attached by red silk wrapped around the body and played with sticks from side to side. Our main drummer man Mr. Cao, showed us how to perform the drums, so to say. To be honest, we were rather expecting a dazzling display of drumming, instead Mr. Cao danced around a lot.

  Toma and I spent the whole night before practicing our ‘paradiddles’, triplets and other drum techniques in order to impress the drum master, alas these fell upon deaf ears.

  After a lively and nimble dancing and drum routine, we had a go at emulating the style. Needless to say, Toma and I needed a lot of work to reach the same energy levels as Mr. Cao. Finished with the exhausting drum scenes we needed to sit down, although the master looked about ready to spring into action once more. He invited us to his little house in the village in the valley and after a short while, we were back on the road.

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