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  英文片名:Prince Wannabe


  制片国和地区:中国 制片公司:杭州漫齐妙动漫制作有限公司




  Prince Wannabe is the little prince of Uto Island. When he was born, he burst out crying without stop because he has eighty four thousands of desire and perplexity but no wisdom. People name him Prince Wannabe. He hears that in the world outside Uto Island it’s much more happier to have money than have no money. So he decides to leave Uto Island to Yuhai City. The king has no choice but to let him experience the outcome of chasing fortune, and on the other hand hopes to reduce the desire and confusion in his heart and increase his wisdom. Prince Wannabe hooks up with Li Qingbo, grandson of the president of Wufeng group in Yuhai City - Li Yongwang and gets involved in the struggling of family wealth and suffered lots of tribulations. The girl Lan Xi, who saved his life is very disappointed by his cut-throat rivalry for wealth and jumped off the cliff. Prince Wannabe goes back to Uto Island sadly and finally understands that fortune will not bring him the real happiness.



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