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娱乐频道 > 电视 TV > 第十五届上海电视节 > 动画片



  英文片名:The Legend of Swordsman (2nd Season)


  制片国和地区:中国 制片公司:杭州玄机科技信息技术有限公司





  The deep-rooted feud is ended and the friendship in adversity are reinforced in the multiplicity of tricky machines and the masses of ranges. The Castle lies hidden among the towering peaks and imposing ranges. It represents the pool of profound Mohist wisdom and the last fortress to all forces against Qin to defend.

  Despite the solid Mohist castle, Wei Zhuang unexpectedly promises to the King of Qin that it only takes one day for him to crack down the castle. Thus, the defensive works well protected by the tricky machines has been subjected to the unprecedented challenges.

  Can the Mohist swordsmen pull together to help Mohists survive the greatest crisis since its emergence? Does Tian Ming come to understand his true identity amidst the mysteries? How does the pre-determined war between Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang that is postponed for 12 years come out? All these riddles above will be revealed one by one in the second part: Dawn.



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