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娱乐频道 > 电视 TV > 第十五届上海电视节 > 白玉兰奖



  英文片名:The Thirst Of a Stone Sea


  制片国和地区:黑山共和国 制片公司:Independent production Vladimir Perovic & Anka Perovic



  镜头悠缓地对着黑山共和国的山区,山里的居民过着遗世独立的生活,那里的现实在21世纪的人们看来是超现实的。晨昏夜雨、四季流转,时间在这里仿佛停滞。牧羊老人和他的羊用一种特殊的语言沟通,和它们共享池中水,哀悼英雄时代的伟人们; 一个男人徒手在粗糙的岩石地上修路;一个官员批阅着文件、测量着血压、为人理发,他的办公室随时随地都开着;一位年轻的女人正准备为了爱情在“洞”里生活;一个年轻男子为树根艺术所迷恋;一个木炭制作者研究着当今的政治……


  Cuce, the most arid, remote and deserted region of Montenegro, is a place where 17th century meets the 21st, where the reality is often surrealistic.

  A goatherd speaks a specific language with his goats, shares the water holes with them, and mourns for heroic times and great men…

  A man is building a road through the harsh rocky soil with his bare hands…

  An official issues the documents, measures the blood pressure, gives hair cuts, mows… His office is placed anywhere and is always open…

  A young woman is ready to live “even in a cave” for love…

  A young boy is obsessed by the roots…

  A charcoal maker surveys the world politics...

  The life, the authenticity and the strength of life, the beauty, the suffering and the dignity of life, the thirst for a life, in the middle of a harsh but beautiful environment… How long can this life remain untouched…!? Is the globalization approaching…!? Even though remote and isolated from the world, this pure life is in touch with new civilization achievements, and maybe, endangered by them.




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