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娱乐频道 > 电视 TV > 第十五届上海电视节 > 纪录片



  英文片名:Invisible City


  制片国和地区:新加坡 制片公司:Point Pictures




  After Invisible city’s is released to the public in Singapore, it is regarded as a film that every Singaporeans should see, because “Singaporeans have gradually lost the real and indigenous collective memory, being replaced by the memory of a global world.” It is not only a picture of urban characteristics, but also a mix of diverse nations and rich life deposits. The direct guides the audience to the ordinary people’s life in Singapore through the exquisite decoration of modernization by means of talk and follow shots. Tan Pin Pin’s Invisible City shows the almost forgotten past of Singapore: the gradually lost memories of the elders, the old film which is going to be wiped out and those self-reflections under the political power. It intellectually includes different historical scenes, letting the history cross between easiness and seriousness. It has some new inspiration to the historical narration in Asia.




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