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娱乐频道 > 电视 TV > 第十五届上海电视节 > 纪录片




  制片国和地区:中国 制片公司:成都军区政治部电视中心、上海文广新闻传媒集团







  65 years ago, the Mian Yang woman normal university’s school beauty Miss Liu had come to her present house. There is nothing about love, just a dealing by her father and young step-mother, because repay the opium debt. During the 65 years, she had tried to escape and suicide, but at last she reared five daughters and one son. 65 years, it is a long history. Mrs. Liu Liu’s joy and sorrow, the sweet and bitter of her life composed the home.

  Because the two and a half minutes in “512”, the home suddenly break up.

  After the earthquake, everyday, Mrs. Liu looked for her outworn clothes, woods, bags or pot in ruins, the detritus of her 65 years life. But her construction meets her son at first. Her son doesn’t like the trash, so he threw the things again and again. At one tine, the relation between she and her daughter-in-law is not well. So the process that Mrs. Liu construct her history of life is becoming the process of “war”.

  Mrs. Liu disputed with her son. Mrs. Liu ran away and left her house. Mrs. Liu came to her brother’s house and her daughter’s houses, just for comfort…

  After all, it is Mrs. Liu’s house, which she has lived for 65 years.

  It is a story that an old victim face to trouble; a life about a 82 years old woman; a story about Chinese traditional family civilization.




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