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环球影业联合主席 执行副总裁 简介

  吉米•霍洛沃茨 Jimmy Horowitz

  Co-President, Production, Executive Vice President, Universal Picture




  吉米•霍洛沃茨在2002年1月被任命为环球影业商业和法律事务执行副总裁, 负责日常运营和法律事务部门,同时监管所有与环球条款交易方面的有关内容。1999年10月他被指定为环球影业商业和法律事务高级副总裁。 他第一次加入环球影片法律部门是在1992年。

  加入环球以前,霍洛沃茨在电影电视制片人联盟做过律师。到1990年为止他还先后在Manatt, Phelps和Greenberg Glusker公司实践过劳动法。在乔治华盛顿大学法律系获得了法学博士并且在1983年以优等成绩毕业于杜兰大学获得政治学学士学位。


  Jimmy Horowitz was appointed Co-President, Production, and Executive Vice President, Universal Pictures in July 2006. He oversees all non-creative aspects of production from inception to delivery and is responsible for physical production and post-production. Horowitz is also responsible for Universal's growing original and adapted theatrical stage production business around the world. Additionally, he has oversight of Universal Picture's business and legal affairs, including talent negotiations, co- productions and third party distribution arrangements. Horowitz reports jointly to Marc Shmuger and David Linde.

  Horowitz was appointed Executive Vice President, Business and Legal Affairs for Universal Pictures, in January 2002, where he was responsible for the day-to-day operations of the business and legal affairs departments, in addition to overseeing all matters relating to Universal's term deals. He was named Senior Vice President, Business and Legal Affairs in October 1999. He first joined Universal's feature legal department in 1992.

  Prior to joining Universal, Horowitz was counsel for the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. He also practiced labor law at Manatt, Phelps, et.al. and later at Greenberg Glusker, et.al. until 1990. He earned his JD degree from George Washington University Law School and graduated cum laude from Tulane University in 1983 with a BA in Political Science.

  Horowitz is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.




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