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  《精武飞鸿》/The Men & the Legends

  导演/Director 李惠民/Raymond Lee

  影片片长/Runtime 32集

  出品年份/Release Date 2006年

  演员表/Cast 翟 枫(何润东饰演);闫应元(郭品超饰演);林思羽(郝蕾饰演);霍元甲(王绘春饰演);黄飞鸿(王庆祥饰演)

  中文剧情梗概/Chinese Synopsis:中国武术进入二十世纪,诞生了南北两大宗师:霍元甲和黄飞鸿。

他们分别秉持以武匡世,携以技救国的理念来到中国最大都市 ---- 上海,创立新型武术门派“精武门”和“宝芝林”。由于日本人居心叵测的从中挑拨霍、黄两家关系,黄飞鸿与霍元甲激战,两大绝学“迷踪步”和“无影腿”在历史上的第一次较量, 以平局结束。未几,霍元甲离奇猝死,黄飞鸿被疑为凶手,在种种阴差阳错之下,“精武门”和“宝芝林”分别由各自名不见经传的弟子翟枫、闫应元继承了武功和理念。


  英文剧情梗概/English Synopsis:This is a story hinging on an event that has never been seen. Huo Yuan-jia, northern China’s most celebrated kung fu master, meets Huang Fei-hong, the south’s most revered martial artist from the south. Both men are famed for their mastery of the Mi-zong Step and Shadowless Kick respectively. However, the sudden death of Huo electrifies everyone. Suspicions are rife that several Japaneses despised him hatched a plot to murder him.             Not stopping here, budding martial artist Zhai and Yan, students of Huo and Huang, are driven by vengeful spite and indignation. Smart-but-playful Zhai and gullible-but-gifted Yan need to overcome their own weakness in kung fu so that they can exact revenge. Rigorous training ensues, and they become accomplished exponents of both unarmed and armed combat. Enveloped within the political turmoil in 1910s, they also stand for the rights of the oppressed within a country long plagued by rapacious foreign powers, paving the way to a heart-wrenching conclusion.




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