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  卡利•沙因在跟随著名教授及电颤琴演奏者雷•伊斯特威(Ray Eastwik) 完成口琴专业的学习后,进入波士顿伯克利音乐学院学习。 返回巴黎后,他成为专业的吉他手,为一系列著名音乐人伴奏。

他为一系列艺术家作曲及管弦乐配乐,其中包括依莲娜•西嘉贺(《我的名字伊莲》演唱者)的专辑《人类》, 弗兰克斯(Francoise Hardy) 的专辑《Clair-Obscur》, 英国乐团布勒(Blur)的专辑《公园人生》,星学院(Star Academy法国超女2004年决赛)作曲。卡利•沙因还签约给电影原声带作曲,知名的作品如1998年托尼•玛莎(Tony Marshall) 的《维纳斯美女沙龙》,2000年热拉尔•朱诺的《最有希望的女演员》以及2002年热拉尔•朱诺的《逃出法兰西》。除此之外,卡利•沙因为电视广告如雷诺,兰蔻,雀巢等等以及以及一些电视节目作曲。

  Khalil Chahine

  Composer – Arranger

  After finishing harmonica studies with the famous professor and vibraphone player Ray

  Eastwik, Khalil Chahine went on to the Berklee College of Music of Boston. Back in Paris,

  hebecame a professional guitar player for many artists among which Jacques Dutronc, Michel Legrand ou Diane Dufresne. He realised the musical arrangements and orchestration of artists such as Hélène Segara (for her album “Humaine”), Francoise Hardy (for her album “Clair-Obscur”), Blur (for their album “Park Life”), Star Academy (for the 2004 final show). Composer, he also signed the original soundtrack of movies (notably “Vénus Beauté Institut” produced by Tony Marshall in 1998, “Meilleur Espoir Féminin“ produced by Gérard Jugnot in 2000, “Monsieur Batignole“ produced by Gérard Jugnot in 2002), some music for television advertisements (for Renault, Lancome, Nestlé…) and finally music for television shows.


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