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  该家族已运营丽都秀和红磨坊超过60多年。 在卡洛任职于丽都秀的10年期间,他发挥技术和管理的领导才能,并出品了上一个知名作品《美好时光》。

  卡洛在过去两年生活在上海, 他新加坡Straco Corporation集团合作在上海,新加坡,澳门和迪拜推出歌舞剧。同时卡洛以Straco-Création的名义合资出品了一系列诸如《巴黎华羽》一般的巡回表演。

  Carlo Clerico


  Son of Christian and grandson of Joseph (founder of the Paris Lido), Carl belongs to the third generation of the most famous Parisian music-hall family, the Clerico family.

  For more than 60 years, this family has managed the Lido and the Moulin Rouge. In the course of his ten-year career in the Lido, he has occupied the functions of Technical and Managing Director, and has produced the last famous show: “Bon heur”. Resident in China for the past 2 years, he has set up cabarets in Shanghai, Singapore, Macao and Dubai in partnership with the Singaporean group Straco Corporation. He has also produced road shows such as Paris Plumes in the context of the joint venture Straco-Création.


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