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  合唱团演出的剧目是《五彩传说》 “心”生态童声嘉年华。



  Multi-gentilitial Children's Choir


  In the Eastern part of China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region are the world-famous Hulun Buir Grasslands. Children from the Oroqen, Ewenki, and Daghur ethnic minorities, along with children from the Mongolian Buryat and Baerhu tribes who live in Hulun Buir have formed China's first small ethnic minority children's choir.

  The choir is called "Quinquefoil Hulun Buir", and currently consists of thirty-seven children, ranging in age from five to thirteen. Two-thirds of the children come from pastoral areas, forests and farming villages. They use five of their own languages and dialects to sing more than 30 songs, all of which are children's ballads that have been passed down through the generations.

  The program performed by the chorus is called "Hulun Buir Fantasy", which consists of traditional ballads, dances, games, religious ceremonies etc, in accordance with modern stage technology and brand-new perspectives.




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