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   皇家粮仓 厅堂版《牡丹亭》

  Kunqu Opera The Peony Pavilion

  首演 北京皇家粮仓 2007年5月18日 演剧长度:120分钟

  The first performance will be put on in the Imperial Granary, Beijing on May 18, 2007

  Performance time length: 120 min


  The sixth anniversary of Kunqu Opera being selected as List of Human Beings’ Verbal and Non-material Cultural Heritage of the UNESCO

  地点 北京 东四十条22号 南新仓/皇家粮仓

  Address: Nanxincang/The Imperial Granary, 22 Dongsishitiao, Beijing

  Tel: 8610 64096499/6477 Fax: 8610 64096628



  Project background of the Imperial Granary Edition The Peony Pavilion


  Kunqu Opera




  Kunqu Opera was included in the top list of the first batch “Human Beings’ Verbal and Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Work” selected by UNESCO.

  As the current most ancient drama form, Kunqu Opera is one of the original three of the world’s largest ancient dramas. Starting from the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, Kunqu Opera is a performance and singing art with strict rules and forms, complete patterns, graceful and pleasant tunes, and gentle, lingering music.

  With an integration of literature, drama, performance, music, dance, and art, Kunqu Opera is the stage art with the most poetic and pictorial splendor. Having collected all advantages of China ancient aesthetics, Kunqu Opera has always been reputed as the founder of all dramas and considered a national treasure.



  The Peony Pavilion



  Kunqu Opera The Peony Pavilion is the peak work in Chinese dramatic history and is the play that can bring the delicacy and romance of Kunqu Opera into full play.

  Tang Xianzu (1550-1616), the author, was a great dramatist alive during the Ming Dynasty. He can be considered to be a contemporary of William Shakespeare (1564-1616), the English drama master.


  Performance mode in use in Ming Dynasty


  The most original performance style of Kunqu Opera derived from private gardens in Ming Dynasty southern China. At that time, one rich family owned one garden and one Kunqu Opera’s team. When close friends or kin were invited for a banquet, it would be the most fashionable avenue of entertainment for the rich and powerful family to ask their Kunqu Opera’s team to put on performances according to a full script or a single play to entertain their guests. In the latter period of the Republic of China, Chinese drama performance began to evolve from the traditional platform style stage to stages with three walls, and up to now, the original drama platform has become a cultural relic site.

  珍稀传统美感 复归明代演剧传统

  Treasure the traditional aesthetic feeling….redisplay the performance staging mode used in the Ming Dynasty

  衣香鬓影 曲笛幽咽 一次暗香迫近眼眉的非凡感受

  Shining clothes, rouge scent, beauties’ figures, murmuring musical melody is right there to offer you an extraordinary feeling.


  The Imperial Granary edition The Peony Pavilion offers a concept of returning to the original state of Kunqu Opera. The superlative performance style sets the stage for the combination of feeling and scenes, juxtaposing the real and the imagined, and creating a coexistence of impressionistic and realistic techniques built in the compact time and space of 120 min and 500 square meters. Altogether, this is the perfect stage for displaying the touching dramatic force due of the romantic love story between Du Liniang and Liu Mengmei.


  Gazing at the amphibolous colors of the pavilion reflected on the surfaces of the water, looking up at the bleak and dismal ancient drama platform, you will find that melodious Kunqu Opera lies in all the beautiful feelings and scenes. However, it is an unexpected idea to redisplay the surprising romance of the Ming Dynasty in the Imperial Granary in the capital, an unconventional “Drama House”.


  The Imperial Granary edition Kunqu Opera The Peony Pavilion





  600 years of the Imperial Granary and 700 years of Kunqu Opera.

  A perfect combination of material cultural heritage and non-material cultural heritage.

  The focus event of China urban culture in 2007.

  The classical national treasure during the 2008’ Beijing Olympics Games.

  The Imperial Granary edition of The Peony Pavilion represents the cultural taste of an entire city, or even an entire country.


  The Imperial Granary edition of The Peony Pavilion is expected to become the most important representative of urban culture events in 2007. The performance, making use of the Imperial Granary, consists of a unique performance philosophy and representation pattern in China, or even in the world.





  Once you go to Rome, you are expected to watch Italian Opera

  As long as you go to Tokyo, you are supposed to view Japanese kabuki

  When you come to Beijing, you cannot help listening to Kunqu Opera

  Culture exists due to your appreciation. If you watch only one Kunqu Opera during your lifetime, the only choice for you must be The Peony Pavilion.


  Project philosophy and implementation of the Imperial Granary The Peony Pavilion



  Return to Kunqu Opera traditions used in Ming Dynasty

  Challenge all The Peony Pavilion editions done since late of Qing Dynasty

  Abandon the stage-style drama performance in use since the Qing Dynasty with a return to “Family Team” performance mode used in Ming Dynasty for the first time. Actors and musicians are all dressed up with clothes and accessories of Ming Dynasty, redisplaying the original Kunqu Opera performance style.








  Take the original form of the Imperial Granary in the early Ming Dynasty into full consideration for stage design. The performance site is decorated with Ming-style furniture.

  Actors and actresses totally depend on their own voices and graceful bearing, putting an end to the use of microphones and loudspeakers.

  Musicians offer an on-site performance without the use of accompanying tape-recorded for support.

  Have a clear view of the face-painting occurring in the open back stage

  The colorful costumes of Sheng and Dan are all hand made by Suzhou embroidery women.

  The rare, precious and bright hair accessories are eye-catching and hard to come by.

  Calligraphy performance and Kunqu Opera jointly embody China’s traditional aesthetics.

  昆曲 《牡丹亭》皇家粮仓长期驻演

  Kunqu Opera The Peony Pavilion’s long-term performance in the Imperial Granary


  It has been full six years since China’s Kunqu Opera was selected into world non-material cultural heritage list, but in the capital, it has no place to shelter itself. Gathering southern Kunqu Opera’s elite performers to come to Beijing aims to create a place for their long-term performances, drawing Kunqu Opera close to the world with the help of Beijing, making China in 2008 even more charming.







  Super luxurious team





  A perfect combination of traditional drama and modern drama

  Lin Zhaohua and Wang Shiyu, the perfect combination of a peak personality in drama and a Kunqu Opera master will assimilate the demonstration method of both western and eastern stages. Will they save, overthrow, or bring Kunqu Opera to life again? They hope to find an aesthetic route with the most creativity for Kunqu Opera.

  Wang Shiyu, the best leading actor of young scholars in Kunqu Opera, and Zhang Jiqing, a leading female actress, are both national level one actors and famous Kunqu Opera performance artists. The two senior artists, together with the promising young performances taught by them, will uphold great elegance to you.





  Distinguished appreciation experience


  There are ten performances set for the first showing, and only 50 distinguished audiences are able to be seated at every performance.


  There will be a sumptuous “peony banquet”, a photo album of Previous and Present Life, and an incredibly beautiful folding fan in memory for you before the performance


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