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美国演员浪迹中国影视圈 凯瑞将参演《梅兰芳》




  American actress Kerry Berry Brogan hit the red carpet at the10thShanghai International Film Festival, adding to the dynamicmix oflocal and international stars at the festival. Havingstarred infour films and more than forty television and film worksin China,Kerry is recognized for her recent performances asPrincess Sophiain Zhangjizhongs Duke of Mount Deer, as Eileenin renowneddirector Yang Yazhous Eight Brothers and for herportrayals ofthe historical figures Helen Foster Snow and AgnesSmedley. Earlierthis month, Kerry was cast in the role of thequeen in Chen Kaigesnew film Mei Lanfeng, which begins shootingin Beijing at the endof July. Vice President of Shanghai FilmGroup Corporation, WangTianyun, highlighted Kerrys particapationin the festival and herblossoming acting career in China as areflection of new trends inthe way of cross-cultural co-operationthrough film between Chinaand the West.

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