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娱乐频道 > 电影 Movie > 第十届上海国际电影节 > 参展影片



  导演:山田洋次 Yoji Yamada


  三村新之丞(木村拓哉)是一个平凡的下级武士,他的梦想是早日与妻子加世(檀丽)一起退隐山林,教孩子剑术。憧憬这天的到来而度过的充满笑声的平凡日子随着新之丞替藩主试毒失明终告结束。 新之丞的命运随着失明急转而下,绝望的一度想要自杀的他被加世拼死拦下。

三村新之丞的妻子加世为了心爱的丈夫的生计去拜托新之丞的上司岛田藤弥(坂东三津五郎)帮忙,结果却落入了对方设计好的圈套,被岛田藤弥所污辱。三村新之丞得知后爱妻失贞后感到深受侮辱,毅然与妻子断绝了夫妻关系。 之后,三村新之丞从朋友那里得知岛田藤弥并没有因为加世的委身而兑现承诺。怒火中烧的他决然向岛田藤弥提出了挑战。岛田藤弥的剑法是藩里有名的。即使没有失明,三村新之丞也不是对手。但是为了维护武士的尊严,三村新之丞决定即使只有一分胜算也要为了被玩弄的加世复仇雪耻。 心怀对加世“爱”和武士“义”,三村新之丞走向了和岛田藤弥的决斗场。三村新之丞最终克服了失明的不利因素获得了胜利,和加世又走了一起。

  Shortly after assuming his post as food taster, Shinnojo loses his eyesight. The fish that was given to the head of the clan was poisoned. Prior to this, Shinnojo had held an inferior position in the ruler's entourage. Realizing that not only will he remain blind until the end of his days, but he must now relinquish his position and will need assistance for rest of his life, Shinnojo becomes dejected and melancholy. His wife, Kayo, is the only one able to prevent him from committing suicide:"I can't imagine life without you. But, go ahead and kill yourself. If you do so, I will follow you immediately", is her response. Touched by her loyalty, Shinnojo gives up his plan to take his own life. Shortly afterwards, Shinnojo's uncle advises him that, since he is no longer able to work, Shinnojo should ask Kayo to go to Shimada, the influential steward of the estate, and ask for his help. As time goes by, Shinnojo begins to get used to being blind. But then one day his aunt Ine tells him of a rumour she has heard about Kayo's infidelity. Madly jealous, Shinnojo, who loves his wife and had always trusted her, order his old servant, Tokuhei, to follow Kayo. Tokuhei discovers that the rumour is true. Having noticed that she was being watched, Kayo admits to having committed adultery with Shimada, explaining that the steward demanded her body in return for supporting Shinnojo. Throwing his wife out of the house, Shinnojo prepares himself for one last battle...




赵显宰出演SeeYa新MV 扮武士与李瑶媛搭档(图)

赵显宰出演SeeYa新MV 扮武士与李瑶媛搭档(图) 来源:MY DAILY 搜狐娱乐讯 正拍摄电影《最前方经济前沿GP 506》的赵显宰凭借seeya2集收录曲《爱情好》首次挑战MV演技...

2007-05-14 10:05
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