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  The National Theatre Company of China (NTCC) is the largest state-level performing arts organization of the People’s Republic of China. It was founded on Dec 25, 2001 when the former China National Youth Theatre and China National Experimental Theatre combined. Home to a wealth of talents across the performing arts, NTCC offers a platform where tradition meets modernity and state-of-the-art performance is pursued to nurture theatrical masterpieces.

  NTCC brings together the highest caliber artists and arts managers in China. Thanks to these artists unparalleled contributions, NTCC has won almost all the national prizes for performance and has become the nation’s strongest team of creators and experienced arts managers. NTCC focuses on producing original plays, and has performed many fine works of contemporary dramatists. NTCC hosts three drama series which include serious dramas, comedies and experimental forms of theatrical arts. On one hand, NTCC maintains roots in the classics to demonstrate the humanity and charm of theater. On the other hand, it acts as a leader in pioneering new trends of theatre as an avant-garde power for innovative creation.

  NTCC offers an open stage where young theatrical talents with new innovative productions can emerge. NTCC maintains the highest standards of excellence for all of its stage-performances, based on a solid business foundation, and utilizing the latest in theatre and research technologies. As a result, NTCC has earned its status throughout the generations as the flagship theatre in China. As the first-class theatre in China and renowned throughout the globe, NTCC is leading the way in the development of drama both at home and abroad.

  The president of NTCC is Zhou Zhiqiang. Vice-presidents include Yan Fengqi, Wang Xiaoying , Zha Mingzhe and Shi Lifen.





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