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娱乐频道 > 戏剧 drama > 大型舞台剧《九幕·敦煌》 > 精彩图片




  (Director of the executive committee of large-scale theatre “Nine Acts·Dun Huang”)

  1964年生于希腊,先后在希腊和美国纽约学习,对东方的日本舞蹈也深有研究。他是希腊著名的先锋派导演,舞蹈家,画家,在他的巧思下雅典打造了近乎完美的2004奥运会开幕式,并赢得了国际媒体的一致好评,被评为有史以来最好的奥运会开幕式,超越了各方面的对它的期待。路透社主编欣赏完这场引人入胜的开幕式后称:“雅典点燃了世界,这是我看过的最好的奥运开幕式。” 帕派约安努先生主要有以下作品:

  1988年 "Domatio I"

  1990年 "To Tieleftaio Tragoudi"

  1995年 "Enos Leptou Sighi"

  1997年 "Dracula"

  1999年 "Tragoudi '99"

  2001年 "Ghia Panda"

  2006年 "2"

  Dimitris Papaioannou was born in Athens in 1964 , studied in Athens and New York .His explorations of dance, theatre and improvisation have also led him to an interest in Japanese modern dance disciplines.

  He is a Greek avant-garde choreographer, director, dancer and artist who conceived and directed the 2004 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony and its closing counterpart. The opening ceremony drew considerable acclaim from the international media.

  Significant works by Papaioannou include : "Domatio I", which he choreographed in 1988, "To Teleftaio Tragoudi"(the Last Song) in 1990, "Enos Leptou Sighi"(a Moment of Silence) in 1995, "Dracula" in 1997, which, being an all-white performance, was characterized as a transition from light to darkness, "Tragoudi '99"(Song '99) in 1999, and "Ghia Panda"(For Ever) in 2001. His latest work ispresented in the winter of 2006 and is entitled "2".




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