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娱乐频道 > 戏剧 drama > 大型舞台剧《九幕·敦煌》 > 精彩图片



  朱丽·泰默Julie Taymor(拟定大型舞台艺术剧《九幕·敦煌》执行委员会艺术顾问)

  Julie Taymor(Art consultant of the executive committee of large-scale theatre “Nine Acts·Dun Huang”)

  以百老汇音乐剧《狮子王》赢得东尼奖音乐剧最佳导演奖及最佳服装设计奖,歌剧《伊底帕斯王》赢得蒙特娄影展评审团大奖,该片于1993年播映,并赢得一座艾美奖。之后陆续执导华格纳的歌剧《飘泊的荷兰人》,史特劳斯的歌剧《莎乐美》以及莫扎特的歌剧《魔笛》。影片《Fool's Fire》于在东京影展电子电影影展中获得最佳戏剧奖。于1999年由莎剧改编的电影《Titus》提名获奖丰富。

  She gained the Best Music Drama Director and Best Costume Design of Tony Award with Broadway music drama The Lion King. Her opera Edipo Re won the Best Opera of Judge Committee in Mannheim Films, this opera is showed in 1993 and won a Emmy Award. After that, she directed drama Vagabond Dutch of Wagner, Drama Salomé of Strauss and Mozart‘drama Die Zauberflote. Her film Fool’s Fire won the best Theatre Award on the Electronic Films of Toyko Films. Her film Titus which is adapted by Shakespeare’s drama in 1999 has been nominated and awarded for many times.




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