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娱乐频道 > 戏剧 drama > 大型舞台剧《九幕·敦煌》 > 精彩图片




  Yu Qiuyu (Literature supervisor of the executive committee of large-scale theatre “Nine Acts·Dun Huang”)



  Yu Qiuyu is a famous scholar in China, artistic theoretician and essay writer. He once acted as the dean and professor of Shanghai Drama College, president of Shanghai Writing Association. He published Artistic History of China and Other Countries and some other books in China and aboard and has been awarded the State Outstanding Contribution Expert, Shanghai Top Ten Excellent Professors etc.

  Main Productions: courtyard of thousand years, villain; feel sorry when living in Shanxi Province, the figure of a dynasty, A Pitiful Reserved Copy, Su Dongpo Breakout, It is So Quiet Here, A Boat Moving on Night,Books, Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes,Noise coming from afar, At the Foot of Lang Mountain, Lonely Tianzhu Mountain, a Corner of the Dongting Lake, A Small Town in South of China, Liuhou Ancestral Temple, the Territory for Banishing, A Dream of Xihu Lake, Temples, Millions of Jinshi(a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations), Jiugong Tomb, Painful Journey of Culture, Fragment of Civilization, Notes of Living in Mountains, Frosty Big River etc.




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