尼拉斯 马丁斯(Nilas Martins)
(1991年成为独舞演员,于1993年晋升为首席舞蹈演员,被誉为纽约城市芭团艺术精髓的最佳继承人,在纽芭团的众多重要作品中多次担纲主角。)Mr. Nilas Martins became Soloist in 1991 and was promoted to Principal Dancer in 1993.He was widely regarded as the optimal inheritor of essence of NCB and he has played lead roles in many masterpieces of NCB
查尔斯 阿斯克加尔德(Charles Askegard)
(1997成为独舞演员,于1998年晋升为首席。)Mr. Charles Askegard became Soloist in 1997 and then got promoted to the rank of Principal Dancer in 1998
詹尼佛 林吉尔(Jenifer Ringer)
(1995年成为独舞演员,于2000年晋升为首席)Ms. Jenifer Ringer became Soloist in 1995 and then got promoted to the rank of Principal Dancer in 2000
珍尼 索莫基(Jennie Somogyi)
(1998年她成为独舞演员,于2000年晋升为首席。索莫基女士曾获得Mae L Wien奖和Princess Grace基金奖)Ms. Jennie Somogyi became Soloist in 1998 and then got promoted to the rank of Principal Dancer in 2000. She is a recipient of the Mae L. Wien Award, the Princess Grace Foundation Award and the Martin E. Segal Award.
阿马尔拉马萨尔(Amar Ramasar)
(2000年度维也纳梅艾尔奖的获得者,2006年3月晋升为纽芭独舞演员)Mr. Ramasar is a Mae L. Wien Award recipient for 2000 and he got promoted to the rank of Principal Dancer in March 2006.
朱丽•黛安娜(Julie Diana)
(原旧金山芭蕾舞团独舞、领舞演员,现为纽芭首席演员。她因在罗宾斯的《聚会上的舞蹈》(Dances at a Gathering)和肯尼森•麦克米伦(Kenneth MacMillan)的《邀舞》(The Invitation)中的出众表演而获得了伊莎多拉•邓肯奖(Isadora Duncan Award)。)Ms. Julie Diana once was Soloist and Lead Dancer of San Francisco Ballet but now she is Principal Dancer of NCB. She was a receiver of Isadora Duncan Award for her excellent performance in Robins’ Dances at a Gathering and Kenneth’s The Invitation
扎契瑞·汉奇(Zachary Hench)
( 原旧金山芭蕾舞团独舞、领舞演员,现为纽芭首席演员)Mr. Zachary Hench was former Soloist and Lead Dancer of San Francisco Ballet but now dances as Principal in NCB
纽约城市芭蕾舞团是美国最具盛名的两大芭蕾舞团之一。由二十世纪最伟大的编导大师——乔治•巴兰钦创立,堪称“最具传奇色彩和划时代意义的国际顶尖芭蕾舞团”。该团培养和汇集了大批璀璨夺目的世界芭蕾明星,由该团成功首演的许多剧目已成为世界其他芭蕾舞团保留并常演的经典作品。NCB is one of the foremost dance companies in the world which originated and founded by great choreographer of the century—George Balanchine. It boasts that NCB is the most legendary and epoch-making ballet troupe all over this world. NCB train(rain新闻,rain说吧)s and owns many world-famous ballet stars. Many dances which got debut success has been classics and regarded as repertoire by many famous ballet companies throughout the world.
作为第八届上海国际艺术节特邀团,尼拉斯·马丁斯将率全部由该团独舞、领舞明星组成的豪华明星阵容,在北展剧场为观众献上原汁原味的,巴兰钦等大师为纽约城市芭团度身创作的经典作品,其中不少剧目是第一次在中国登陆而且在亚洲地区也属首次。As participant ballet company to the festival, Nilas Martins will lead the group of soloists and lead dancers to fete the eyes of local audiences at Beijing Exhibition Theatre with authentic masterpieces which tailored to NCB. What’s more, most of the dances had never been performed in China even Asia.
(责任编辑:阿芒) |