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YULE.SOHU.COM 2005-06-06 16:53  来源: 搜狐娱乐
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  作为一个端到端解决方案供应商,上海贝尔阿尔卡特宽带视频解决方案涵盖了从内容网络、汇聚网络、接入网络和家庭网络的所有设备,实现了从内容提供、业务逻辑控制、到终端用户业务体验的整体解决方案,是一个真正意义上提供端到端的完整宽带视频解决方案。作为IPTV业务核心产品的5950开放式媒体套件(open media suit, OMS),具有非常领先的技术和设计理念:模块化的设计构架,可扩展性能良好;开放的标准体系构架,完全符合技术标准规范;同时,专业化的项目管理队伍,能够最大程度地满足客户化的需求。作为一个成熟的市场产品,阿尔卡特的IPTV产品在全球有许多成功的商用案例,如台湾中华电信、加拿大SASKTEL、日本Softbank BBCable等,市场占有率全球第一,积累了丰富的项目实施和业务运营经验。所有这一切,为IPTV业务在中国市场的大规模开展提供了可借鉴、可操作的运营模式。2005年2月,阿尔卡特与微软签订IPTV业务全球合作协议,将共同开发一个基于新一代视频编码标准H.264的整体IPTV业务平台,将充分运用双方的领先优势,帮助IPTV业务提供商减少网络部署成本,缩短IPTV业务进入市场的时间。这对深受网络带宽困扰的中国固网运营商来说,更是一个“福音”,因为H.264的视频码流将使目前大范围使用的MPEG2码流减半,从而极大地节约网络运营商的带宽资源。


  作为一个新兴的产业, IPTV的产业链不但超出了电信运营商以前所涉及到的范围,也超出了广电的范围。IPTV的产业链大体上可以分为节目制作服务商、内容整合商、接入服务商、终端制造商四大类。在这个复杂的产业链中,各环节的积极配合衔接十分重要,不仅需要规范盈利模式以及相关政策,更需要上下游之间产生良性互动。作为中国宽带视频业务市场的领先者,上海贝尔阿尔卡特一直与网络运营商保持着良好的战略伙伴关系,并与国内传媒业巨头上海文广新闻传媒集团签署框架合作协议,共同开拓宽带视频流媒体市场并且双方还将共建实验室,对IPTV的网络和应用进行端到端的验证。这种由电信设备供应商与传媒组织在“内容整合”方面的合作在国内尚属首次。



  一、 引言


  二、 流媒体的应用


  视频下载(Video clipping)和电视直播/转播(Live TV)


  实时监控(Real time monitor)

  3G大量的视频传输的能力,使得传统的视频监控得以延伸,用户通过家中的IP Camera捕捉实时视频信号,并将视频信号送到Video Streaming Author进行视频格式转换,通过流媒体服务器与用户手机客户端展现出来,实时监控的业务可以在到幼儿园监控,道路监控等服务中得到很好的运用。

  三、 上海贝尔阿尔卡特与您携手同行



  ² M2M 可视电话(Video phony (Mobile to Mobile))

  ² M2PC 可视电话(Video phony (Mobile to PC))

  ² 即时消息(Instant message)

  ² 视频信箱(Video mailbox)

  ² 移动娱乐:

  ² 信息服务(information portal)

  ² 高速Internet浏览 (internet browsing)

  ² 多媒体消息(MMS)(支持视频消息)

  ² 个人DIY空间(DIY space)

  ² 个性化下载(图片/铃声)(downloading( picture/ringtone))

  ² 移动游戏(Mobile Game)

  ² MP3音乐下载(MP3 downloading)

  ² 视频下载 (video clipping)

  ² 视频流(video streaming)

  ² 实时监控(Real time monitor)

  ² 位置服务(LBS)


  Alcatel Shanghai Bell

  — Broaden Your Life

  Forge a sharp weapon that facilitates the development of the IPTV market

  With the continuous development of broadband services on the Internet, IPTV as a new servicing mode has been in the process of becoming reality. The development of IPTV forecasts an unprecedented technical evolution that is forthcoming, as well as a promising outlook in broadband video services. As a leading provider of communication equipments in the world, Alcatel possesses a complete end-to-end solution to IPTV and a large-scale commercial application in many developed countries like Europe and America. ASB that combines a superior technology with Chinese features provides thoughts of the advanced network framework and end-to-end solution that contains high-tech to IPTV, and makes an awful lot of contributions to the integration of industrial chain and the expansion of new services etc..

  I. Boundless market with unexpected prospect

  IPTV not only differs from traditional cable television, also features differently with the ongoing digital television. Subscribers can experience high-quality video, and choose video programs on broadband IP network according to their own liking freely through the IPTV service. Therefore an essential interaction that consists of various forms for media providers, media consumers and other different consumers shall be realized. A huge renovation that occurred in the application market of broadband video is inspired by the appearance of IPTV. It is the hundreds of millions of TV subscribers that are the targets that IPTV orientates, not just tens of millions of broadband PC ones. How boundless is this market! So it is easy to imagine that, when IPTV is well universalized, people’s patterns of entertaining and living could be alternated prodigiously, which would spread throughout the whole country like fire overspreading in a prairie which is started by a single spark. Thanks to the maturity of the broadband technical platform, IPTV which represents the new trend of broadband development has a stage to show itself. And during recent years, the broadband contents especially TV programs flourish, which bestow a strong content support to the popularity of IPTV. Confronting a colossal cohort of broadband subscribers, along with continual price dropping of set-top boxes, the phase towards a trinity of the networks that is driven by IPTV is accelerating.

  II. Well-developed end-to-end solution

  On the constructive layer of IPTV network, ASB vigorously initiates the framework of multi-services (namely: triple-play services that support video, audio and high-speed data simultaneously) network capabilities, which confirms with China’s domestic conditions. With respect to the construction of network frameworks of multimedia services, ASB vigorously recommends the introduction of service edge router that is used to transfer multi-services into the network. Multi-services that require various QoS can be supported by this sort of model through shared network resources, plus a high ratio between the performance and the price.

  As a provider of the end-to-end solution, ASB provides a broadband video solution that contains all equipments of the content network, convergence network, access network and home network, and realizes a holistic solution from content providing and service logical control to service experience for terminal subscribers. It is a true solution that provides complete end-to-end broadband video. As a 5950 open media suit (OMS) of core products of IPTV service, it features leading technology and design thoughts: modularized design framework, good expansibility; open framework of standard system, which confirms with standard technical specifications completely; and a professionalized project-management team that is capable of satisfying customized requirements. As a sort of well-developed product in market, the IPTV product of Alcatel achieves many successful commercial cases worldwide such as Chunghwa Telecom of Taiwan, SASKTEL of Canada, Softbank BBCable of Japan etc.. Now its market share tops No. 1 in the world, and ample project-implementation and service operation experiences are accumulated as well. Thus a referencable and manipulable operational mode is provided for large-scale development of IPTV service in the market of China by all this. In Feb. 2005, Alcatel signed the global cooperation agreement concerning IPTV service with Microsoft, which means that a holistic IPTV service platform that is based on a new generation of video coding standard-H.264 will be developed together by both sides. Through this process, the advantages of both, which will help providers of IPTV service cut their cost of network deployment and shorted the entrance period of IPTV service into market will be fully implemented. It means an "evangel" to those network operators in China who are tormented by the status quo of network bandwidth because of that the flow of video codes prescribed in H.264 will halve the one of MPEG2 codes that is widely used in recent years. Therefore the bandwidth resource of network operators is saved prodigiously.

  III. Forging a complete IPTV industrial chain

  As a burgeoning industry, the industrial chain of IPTV not only goes beyond the former range that is concerned by telecommunication operators, also exceeds the scope of broadcast and television. The industrial chain of IPTV is generally divided into four categories including program-making providers, content integrators, access providers, terminal manufacturers. In this complicated industrial chain, positive cooperation from all sectors is quite important, in which not only the pattern for profiting and relevant policies are required to be standardized, but also a benign interaction between upper and lower reaches is needed. As the leader in the market of broadband video services in China, ASB keeps an excellent strategic partner relationship with network operators and owns a cooperative framework agreement with SMG that ranks as the magnate in media industry, on which the co-expansion towards the market of broadband video stream-media, laboratories due to be established by both sides and an end-to-end validation to IPTV network and its application due to be carried out are based. It is the first time that the cooperation in terms of “content integration” between providers of telecommunication equipments and media organizations is ever seen in China.

  IPTV is a sort of brand-new broadband service, which stands ready in the domestic market. ASB that occupies advanced design thoughts and leading technology in terms of broadband video services shows a strong enthusiasm in cooperating widely with every “chain” in IPTV industry and creating a brilliant future for the market of IPTV in China.

  3G applications — Broaden Your Life

  I. Foreword

  As the time of 3G is drawing nigh, abundant and colorful service contents provided by 3G are expected by all of us, in which the video services that are represented by stream-media are even more attractive and become a beautiful landscape.

  II. Application of stream-media

  The special services that derive from stream-media are applied widely such as the playback of those splendid goal extract of the World Cup, instant share quotations, movie clippings. Besides, live TV programs and relay can be implemented through video/audio sampling with video cards. Mobile stream-media services can provide mobile subscribers multimedia play such as sounds and movies etc. online, during which it is unnecessary for subscribers to download them beforehand. Those contents include TV, video, entertainment information, sport channel, music, news, animation and so on.

  Video clipping download and live/relay TV

  The wireless bandwidth of 3G makes it possible to order videos and receive live programs online. Mobile subscribers can visit stream-media servers and order what relevant content with the help of navigation through portal websites. The stream-media players embodied in handsets are in charge of decoding and multimedia contents playing. Nowadays stream-media servers are widely applied in 2.5G and 3G mobile networks, and provide subscribers worldwide solutions to stream-media and final subscribers VOD as well as live TV service.

  Real time monitor

  3G is capable of transferring large amount of video, which expands the scope of traditional video monitoring. Subscribers can get real-time video signals with the IP camera at their homes, and send them into Video Streaming Author where the form of such videos can be transformed. Thereafter, they can be displayed in subscribers’ handsets through stream-media servers. Real-time monitoring service can be well applied in terms of kindergarten and road monitoring.

  III. Hand in hand with ASB

  Given that ASB has been committed to developing and popularizing latest 3G services through multi-cooperation with CP/SP in terms of 3G services, the road for 3G application is well paved and lightened. The 3GRC of ASB that is located in Shanghai keeps comprehensive cooperation with leading media. For instance: the cooperative agreement cosigned with SMG, which makes it possible to receive its real-time programs including those from the Oriental Mobile TV Station, DragonTV and sport channel on 3GRC demo-platform. At the same time, subscribers can experience fantastic mobile broadband application such as video on Demand and downloading etc.

  Complete solutions that ASB provides and recommends in terms of 3G services for final subscribers to refer to are as follows:

  ² Video phony (Mobile to Mobile)

  ² Video phony (Mobile to PC)

  ² Instant message

  ² Video mailbox

  ² Mobile entertainment:

  ² Information portal

  ² High-speed internet browsing

  ² MMS(video message is supported)

  ² DIY space

  ² Customized downloading ( picture/ringtone)

  ² Mobile Game

  ² MP3 downloading

  ² video clipping downloading

  ² video streaming)

  ² Real time monitor

  ² LBS

  A brand-new broadband life is just around the corner! ASB that features leading mobile and fixed broadband technology makes conception innovative, space extended, impediment of speed, video and capacity surpassed for our life. An unprecedented advancement that was incurred by broadband is spreading throughout our life. Thus a whole new broadband world is being created to be more swift, convenient, and safe. ASB is your ideal partner who is willing to provide you value-added broadband services. No matter judging from now or future, our partners will always be beneficial from what we are committed to creating.


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