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YULE.SOHU.COM 2005-05-26 16:17  来源: 搜狐娱乐
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大牌明星们的卖身契曝光(图) 徐静蕾剪不断理还乱的情感历程

  Jin Jue International Film Forum at the 8the SIFF

  Ⅰ. 100-year Chinese Film----Theme Forum

  ⅰ. 100-year of Chinese Cinema: Dialogue between the Classical and the Contemporary with a Focus on Martial Arts/Kung-fu films

  ⅱ. Focus on China, Review and Expectation

  iii. Chinese / Global Entertainment Industry Summit

  1. Strategy for the future

  2. Next Wave

  3. History and Maintenance

  Ⅱ. International Communication----Round Table

  ⅰ. Roundtable with the Chinese/Asian Film Distributors around the World

  ⅱ. Roundtable with World’s Tide of Animation Films

  ⅲ. Roundtable with New Asian Creative Power

  III. Asian New Talent Award

  ⅰ. International Jury of Asian New Talent Award

  ⅱ. Asian New Talent Award Competition Films Screening

  ⅲ. Asian New Films Forum in conjunction with Closing Ceremony of Asian New Talent Award

  Jin Jue International Film Forum

  With the main theme of “Cooperate with the World and Focus on China to Develop Asia”, the forum will be divided into three parts, aiming to present a communicative venue for exchanging opinions from filmmakers to high level administrators of film industry of China, Asian and the world.

  Part I. Theme Forums

  Under the theme of “Centennial Celebration of Chinese Cinema: Embracing the World in the Future,” the theme forums consist of three seminars:

  · 100-year of Chinese Cinema: Dialogue between the Classical and the Contemporary with a Focus on Martial Arts/Kung-fu films

  · Focus on China, Review and Expectation

  · Dialogue between China and the World, Chinese/Global Entertainment Industry Summit: Market Convergence & Cultural Connections

  Part II. Roundtables

  Aiming to establish an exchange venue for filmmakers both home and abroad, the roundtables consist of three special events:

  · Roundtable with the Chinese/Asian Film Distributors around the World

  · Roundtable with World’s Tide of Animation Films

  · Roundtable with New Asian Creative Power

  Part III. Asian New Talent Award Competition

  With the goal of discovering and encouraging new Asian filmmakers, the Asian New Talent Award aims to promote and develop the Asian film industry and will present cash awards to winners and to establish a stage to discuss Chinese films’ worldwide influence and how the international fund influence Asian films.

  Jin Jue International Film Forum of the 8th SIFF will be held from June 12th, 2005 to June 18th, 2005 at Yin Xin Ball Room, Crown Plaza Hotel and the Grand Theatre.

  Theme Forum I

  100-year of Chinese Cinema: Dialogue between the Classical and the Contemporary with a Focus on Martial Arts/Kung-fu films

  Along the 100-year long history of Chinese cinema, from Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan to Jet Lee, those Chinese film actors who enjoy high reputation in the world are almost martial arts stars, even now Zhang Ziyi is titled as “Queen of Martial Arts Films”. As a matter of fact, not only martial arts films and their casts are warmly welcomed by the public all around world, also Chinese Kung-fu films strongly influence American and even the world’s action movies. The unique film language of Chinese Kung-fu films contributes a new style to film choreography.

  This theme from invites authoritative film critics from US, Japan and China who are fond of studying Chinese Kung-fu films and Jackie Chan, the most remarkable Chinese Kung-fu star, to cherish the splendid memory of the most contributive Chinese films, Kung-fu films.


  Jackie Chan, Chinese Kung-fu star

  Zhang Yimou, Chinese film director

  He Ping, Chinese film director

  Guest Speakers:

  Li Cheuk To, Hong Kong film critic

  Udagawa Koyo, Japanese film critc

  David Chute, American film critic

  Chen Shan / Li Hongyu, Chinese film critic

  Time: 14:00-16:00, June 12th, 2005

  Venue: Yin Xin Ball Room, Crown Plaza Hotel

  Theme Forum II

  Focus on China, Review and Expectation

  Theme Forum III

  Chinese / Global Entertainment Industry Summit, Market Convergence & Cultural Connections

  In the year 2005, the 8th SIFF meets the 100 anniversary of Chinese film. Also, the industrialization of Chinese film comes to a memorable period: from 2004 to 2005, about 212 Chinese films were produced, box office reached 1.5 billion RMB, main industry income up to 3.5 billion RMB. As it’s getting closer and closer when China thoroughly enrolled in WTO, international film industry is adopting its attitude towards Chinese films from “marketing concerning” to “practical investment”. Both international film companies and Chinese film institutions are ready to make fortune at this point. What worth attention in the review of Chinese films in 2004 is that over 80% films were produced through private investment or foreign investment. Foreign capital is officially accepted by the government in producing films. What’s more exciting is that Chinese Film Promotion Draft will be officially announced in 2005, which symbolizes that the new structure of Chinese film industry with multi-investors and various development has been established.

  Therefore, this year’s Jin Jue International Film Forum aims to celebrate the 100 anniversary of Chinese films on an international and open base. The second theme forum consists of three seminars, namely Strategy for the Future, Next Wave and History and Maintenance, focusing on Chinese Global investment, cooperation and film development. Hopefully, through a series discussion on Chinese film capital operation, film development and promotion, maintenance of film resource, etc, the second forum will contribute to the main theme, Cooperate with the World and Focus on China to Develop Asia.

  Seminar I: Strategy for the future

  Guest Moderator:

  Robert Rosen, Dean, UCLA School of Theatre, Film and Television

  Guest Speakers:

  Tong Gang, President of the Film Bureau, State Administration of Radio, Film and TV, China;

  Barry Mayer, Warner Bros. CEO;

  President, Sony Picture or Columbia Tristar Motion Picture Group;

  Ken Suddleson, U.S. entertainment lawyer;

  CEO of French CNC;

  President, Korean film community;

  Ren Zhonglun, President of Shanghai Film Group;

  Han Sanping, General Manager of China Film Warner Hengdian Film & TV Production Co., Ltd.;

  Dennis Wang, President of Huayi Brothers & Taihe Film Investment Co., Ltd.;

  Bruce Vaughn, Vice President, Walt Disney Imageneering

  Bill Kong, President, Hong Kong Edko Films.

  Time: 9:00-12:00, June 13th, 2005

  Venue: Yin Xin Ball Room, Crown Plaza Hotel

  Seminar II: Next Wave

  Guest Moderator:

  Eric Mika, CEO, Variety

  Guest Speakers:

  Geoffrey Gilmore, Director of Sundance Film Festival;

  Director of Cannes Film Festival;

  Marco Muller, Director of Venice Film Festival;

  Bruce Vaughn, Vice President Walt Disney Imagineering, R&D, Inc.;

  Kim Dong-Ho, Director, Pusan Film Festival.

  Time: 14:00-16:00, June 13th, 2005

  Venue: Yin Xin Ball Room, Crown Plaza Hotel

  Seminar III: History and Maintenance

  Guest Moderator:

  Dr. Haiping Yan, Director, UCLA China-American Collaborative Media Programs

  Guest Speakers:

  Steven Spielberg, co-founder, American film foundation

  Yoji Yamada, Japanese film director

  Former Curator of Cinematheque Francaise

  Wu Yigong, Chairman of China Film Association;

  Li Cheuk To, film critic and dirictor,

  Time: 10:00-12:00, June 14th, 2005

  Venue: Yin Xin Ball Room, Crown Plaza Hotel

  Round Table I: Roundtable with the Chinese/Asian Film Distributors around the World

  Judging from entry films of this year’s Asian New Talent Award, Chinese and other Asian film works are drawing more and more attention from international community. There are a lot of registered films were produced by European and American distribution companies, which also indicates a brand new operation style of producing film. However, local new films, especially those films made by new filmmakers still lack opportunity to promote in the international market. What on earth is their problem? What kind of film works are European and American market favor of? How to skillfully communicate between investors and production party? This roundtable talk invites world’s famous distribution companies and successful Asian film companies to share their experience of film production and distribution.

  Guest Moderator:

  Guest Speakers:

  Laurent Dutron, vice president, MK2

  Thierry Decourcelle, President, Ocean film distribution :

  Michael Werner, Fortissimo co-prisident

  Glen Basner, Vice president, Focus

  Ren Jianhong, CEO, Stellar Line

  Time: 14:00-17:00, June 15th, 2005

  Venue: Yin Xin Ball Room, Crown Plaza Hotel

  Roundtable II: with World’s Tide of Animation Films

  Nowadays, more and more animation features influenced our aesthetic experience and even the tide of feature film production. Meanwhile, another kind of short animation films between experiment and meditation still finds its way to exist. Will this short animation be as popular as Japanese comics feature to influence daily life and the whole film industry? Or, how far are we from this kind of life style?

  Guest Moderator:

  Guest Speakers:

  Time: June 16th, 2005

  Venue: Yin Xin Ball Room, Crown Plaza Hotel

  Roundtable III: with New Asian Creative Power

  In what way will the new creative powers of Asian film choose to prove their value and express their thoughts? If there exists some kind of film style that can most impress the society, which form of existence will they choose to reach this style? How do they balance pursuit of individuality and recognition by the market? Were there any impressive experience during their efforts to make their own films? Last, but not the lease, with abundant film festival experience, what suggestion and advice the director of AFI will give to our young talent?

  Guest Moderator:

  Guest Speakers:

  Time: June 17h, 2005

  Venue: Yin Xin Ball Room, Crown Plaza Hotel

  Asian New Talent Award

  Chairman of the Jury:

  Jia Zhangke, Chinese film director

  Jury member:

  Adoor Gopalakrishnan, Indian film director

  Joan Chen, American-Chinese film director and actress

  Emanuel Levy, American film critic

  Lee Myung-Se, Korean film director

  Competition films:

  The Story of Xiao Yan, China

  Six Strong Guys, Hong Kong SAR

  My Brother, Korea

  The Place Promised in Our Early Days, Japan

  Ushpizin, Israel

  The Rainmaker, Indonesia

  The Overtune, Thailand

  Story Undone, Iran

  Mongolian PingPong, China

  Manasarovar, India

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