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Project Release Conference
YULE.SOHU.COM  2004-06-09 13:34  来源: 搜狐动漫
页面功能 【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体: 】【打印】 【关闭
China Cartoon Industry Forum(CCIF)was founded and sponsored by CTVA Cartoon Commission, Beijing Cartoon Media Co., Ltd. and XIANGCAI String Investment Management Co., Ltd. The theme of the CCIF focuses on the internationalization, industrialization and market-orientation of the Chinese cartoon industry. The 1st CCIF was held in Hangzhou in Sep 2002, and the 2nd CCIF was held in Qingdao in Oct 2003. Both e
vents are very successful. The 3rd CCIF will be held from July 28 to 31, 2004 in Dalian, when and where The Second China International Software and Information Service Fair (CISIS) will also be held simultaneously.

China Cartoon Industry Forum (CCIF) will establish a broad platform for the capital investment and international cooperation of digital content industry
A great opportunity for the international producer, buyer, investor, game R&D agency, broadband service operator, mobile increment operator, media & press company and periphery products manufacturers to meet with Chinese animation studio/production company, original artists, game service operator, and mobile increment service operators for the international cooperation and to boost the communication and to share the resource. The CCIF event will be the enormous power to promoting Chinese digital industry.

International co-production:International producer/distributor, studio; Chinese studio, media, investor.
Interactive entertainment product:International game producer/distributor, game solution provider; Chinese game producer/distributor, game solution provider, game service operator, investor, university/college and training center.
Telecom increment service:International telecom service provider, operator, and solution provider;Chinese international telecom R&D service, operator, solution provider, mobile manufacturer, investor, etc.
Digital product:Digital CG company, digital product manufacturer/provider, network company, university/college, training center in home and abroad.
Franchising authorization for Periphery product:Digital art studio, interactive game provider/agency/operator, publishing house, video, toy, cloth & accessory, and other periphery product manufacturer/producer/sales, etc.

Project Scopes:
International co-production:Audiovisual digital animation episodes/pilots
Interactive entertainment product: Network game, solution product, etc
Distribution and broadcast: Film distribution at home and abroad
Telecom increment service:Mobile game and other increment product and solution
Digital product:New technology and product in Digital (CG)
Franchising authorization of periphery product: Sales of periphery product and franchising authorization on animated film, interactive game, and cartoon characters.

How to do it:
Please download the FORM by visiting CCIF website:
It is required to mark the company's official seal or/and signature on the completed form, and send to the CCIF organizing committee. In addition, send the electric documents (such as the Form, Corporate introduction, and Project promotion- PPT format) to the mailbox

June 30, 2004
Project release:
1. 2004CCIF organizing committee promise a presentation(from minimum 5 minutes to maximum 20 minutes) for every participant during the "Project Release Conference".(necessary computer and PPT documents should be provided by attendees)
2. The organizing committee will publish "2004 CCIF - Presentation of the Project", and present the book to all participants and relevant clients.
3. The presentation of the project will be released at CCIF's official website:

RMB 1,000/5 mins; RMB 2,000元/10 mins; RMB 3,000/30 mins

Project arrangement; Project-release venue; Power-point equipment; Instrument equipment; other service

Contact information:
Mr. Zhimin SUN or Ms. Ying ZHANG
6/F, Hongye Building, 43rd Ping An Li West Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing 100035, China
Tel: 86-10-66530872 66129503 Fax: 86-10-66530870

   Digital Contents

页面功能 【我来说两句】【我要“揪”错】【推荐】【字体: 】【打印】 【关闭

-- 给编辑写信

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